Ancient Paths Scholarship Fund
A main part of the vision and mission of Ancient Paths Study Tours is to make disciples by training up individuals in ministry. With a typical all-inclusive trip costing roughly $4,500, most of these people do not have the resources to make a trip like this possible so we have set up a scholarship fund for candidates in full-time ministry or those who are game-changers in their circles of influence. If you would like to partner with us in this way, please click the donation button below. We believe that your gift will be multiplied greatly as each scholarship recipient continues to multiply themselves and their efforts for the kingdom. Thank you for partnering with us!
Ancient Paths is a registered 501(c)3. For any inquiries about giving or for information on our board of directors, please contact Stephanie.
Testimonials of Past Scholarship Donors
My wife and I have made a donation for several years to make it possible for those who could not afford the Israel trip with Rod and Libby. I went on this trip about a year after my 22 year- old son had passed. It just happened to be Rod and Libby’s first trip in leading a group through Israel. It was such a blessing to hear Rod’s passionate teachings three or four times a day for 10 days. Libby’s “adlibs” regarding history and architectural facets of Israel provided a great backdrop to our visits to Old and New Testament sites. The friendships and the love of the group could not have happened at a better time in my life.
It was not an easy trip as Rod and Libby warned us in advance. Rod’s approach to learning about the most significant biblical events was “through your feet”. The hikes were tough and rigorous at temperatures in the 100’s! It was the best learning experience of my life and greatly added to my knowledge of the Bible and where biblical events took place. I have since sent two of my daughters withRod and Libby to Turkey, Greece and Rome. They had a wonderful learning experience and built lasting relationships with everyone on the trip.
We are blessed to able to provide this experience to others. It is truly the trip of a lifetime for those who go. I would encourage your donation to build our biblical leaders for the future!
-Butch and Denise Stoner, Israel trip participant and faithful donor
My trip with Rod and Libby to Israel has been one of the most significant events of my life. I have heard the same sentiments from those that journeyed with our group as well as those who have gone on other trips. Israel is life-changing for different people in different ways. It has been an incredible opportunity to gift other students, pastors and disciple-makers, in helping to make this trip possible for them. In fact, I am confident it is one of the absolute best lifelong gifts one can give. I hope you will consider joining us in giving and sponsoring those to “walk the land’ who otherwise could not afford this incredible experience.
-Brad and Anna Bengtson, 2014 trip participant and faithful donor
Testimonials of Past Scholarship Recipients
Thank you for being obedient to what God has called you to do: to teach and to shepherd. Your teaching will forever shape the way I speak about God's word. The way you care for a text seeking the authors original intent while taking culturally relevant material and merging the two is a spiritual gift. Because of my trip, I stand here a year later with a hunger for God's word that does not compare to the seasons prior. Even if that was all I had received from the trip it would have been worth it.
By the time the Lord calls me home, I will have heard hundreds of sermons, many forgotten in the distant memory, but I will never forget standing in the desert both emotionally, spiritually, and physically and learning of God's faithfulness and guidance of his people into the blessing that comes from obedience.
-Tryg Veker, 2017 scholarship recipient and Pastor at Movement Church in Columbus, Ohio
Words seem inadequate to express the deep gratitude we feel for the opportunity to walk the land of Israel with Rod and Libby and our beloved study tour "family". The specific marriage emphasis added a richness and depth to our time there together that made this trip, in more ways than one, a truly life-defining experience. Just to walk the desert, to feel the heat, to listen to the waves on Galilee, to sit in ancient ruins and follow our rabbi on ancient paths, to immerse ourselves in the context of Scripture and be reawakened to the glory of the was truly overwhelming and forever changed the way we press onward in the areas God has called us to be here at home as a married couple. The lessons we learned in Israel have indelibly shifted the way we pursue ministering to others as we aim to point them to the Lord Jesus. We are incredibly thankful.
-Rev. Greg and Shawna Duvall, 2019 Marriage Trip scholarship recipient and Aftercare Chaplain at Operation Heal Our Patriots, division of Samaritan’s Purse
I traveled to Israel with Rod and Libby alongside my college-aged son, and it was a transformational experience for us both. It gave us the opportunity to talk about big picture faith ideas, and I watched as it solidified my son’s faith journey. It was a great combination of guided conversation, direct instruction, and physical challenge. Once back, I found myself repeating to others the insights and stories we all shared. I live my life differently and read my Bible differently as a result of this trip. My son and I also have a shared experience that functions like cement, anchoring us to each other, our family values, and the Savior we all love! Such a wonderful investment!
-Beth Guckenberger, 2018 scholarship recipient and Co-Executive Director, Back2Back Ministries, author/speaker
The scriptures, which I have always loved, are now available to me in 3D. As a visual learner, I can’t tell you how much this has impacted the way I personally engage with God’s word, but also how I am able to convey it to others: More story, less instruction. More earthy tangible, less airy intangible. More faith, really, that God deeply loves all he has made, as demonstrated so particularly in the specific place and people of Israel. I am a full-time minister of the gospel at All Saints PCA church in Austin and so my days are filled with teaching, leading, training, writing, speaking, counseling, and walking with others in the way of Jesus. Everything I do in all these areas is now infused with new perspective. I wonder how I ever taught the scriptures before! My husband and I had dreamed of going to the Holy Lands for, well, ever. The opportunity to go with Libby and Rod was a dream come true, and the scholarship aid we received was a true gift from the LORD’s hand - for without it, we most certainly could not have gone. We are both so very grateful, and both forever changed. What a wonderful blessing it is to offer the gift of ‘sight’ to those who are in ministry. Thank you deeply.
-Kim Hall, 2018 scholarship recipient, Director of Women’s Ministry of All Saints Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas
100% of how I study the Bible was effected directly by going to Israel and studying with Rod and Libby. Before that study trip, the people and the story of the Bible seemed unreal and distant, similar to Middle Earth or Narnia. Now, after studying the Bible where it took place I read the stories and feel deep human connections like never before.
-Dan Thompson, 2015 scholarship recipient, Crossroads Bible Church Young Adults Pastor
The opportunity to go to Israel for the first time was amazing and an opportunity of a lifetime. Not only to see the geographical context of Scripture, but also to learn the history in depth was priceless. It was revitalizing and brought new energy to us, directly impacting our ministry.
-Joe Stowell, 2018 scholarship recipient, Pastor of Church Life from Woodmen Valley Chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado
The Israel trip has had a profound impact on my role as the Director of City Missions at Crossroads. Walking throughout the land of Israel in community and going deeper into the text has dramatically influenced my life. One of the main themes from this trip is the words that God spoke to Abraham that we are blessed to be a blessing. This walk with God isn't to be experienced in isolation from other believers or even the world, but to join with other believers and be a blessing to the world, displaying who Jesus is and bringing His Shalom to chaos. This is something that has greatly challenged and spurred me on in helping to encourage others in to step into the Mission of God throughout our city, in many different expressions and ways. This isn't a burden or chore, but rather a privilege and joy to join God in the charge he has given His people for thousands of years to carry on the legacy that has been walked out before us.
-Jeremiah Weismann, 2017 scholarship recipient, City Director at Crossroads Bible Church
As Brits, we were more skeptical than many about the potential impact of a trip to Israel. However, under Rod’s tutelage, we found ourselves transported into the world of the Bible in ways that were deeply impactful. We minister in the heartlands of the secular world, and were profoundly encouraged to find Jesus praying and teaching and raising disciples in Galilee, where the people of God touched the world.
-Peter Comont, 2015 scholarship recipients, Peter is Lead Pastor of Trinity Church Oxford in England
My husband and I traveled to Israel the summer of 2016. We cannot express the impact that trip had on our lives, and it was truly life changing. Learning with our feet challenged and stretched us physically and spiritually every single day, but love for Christ deepened as Scripture was brought to life. The trip equipped us for future ministry and now we draw upon all that we learned and experienced more often than we can say.
-Nate and Jana English, 2015 scholarship recipients, Nate is an aspiring pastor
I have been on both the Israel trip and the Turkey trip. There is a problem that exists for American Christians as they experience God through the Bible: What was their context really like? What would you have seen if you were watching Christ climb the hill to Calvary? What kind of cultural pulse would have existed surrounding his cleansing of the temple? Why was Paul so heavily threatened by religious leaders for this message that he proclaimed? These trips allow you to experience and feel the story of God. The stories are not mere words on a page, but become entrenched in your very sandals. You experience eyewitness evidence of what God has done in his word. You imagine with great anticipation as David defeats Goliath in the valley of Elah before your very eyes. You visualize Paul standing on trial with great confidence in God's protection over his life. These trips give you new eyes, a fresh experience of God, and a renewed zeal for his word, his work, and his world. These trips, have done nothing short of change my life. I would highly recommend to anyone itching for a richer understanding of who God is to sign up for an Ancient Paths study tour.
-Erik Veker, scholarship recipient, Pastoral Intern to Alistair Begg at Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio